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The software is split into several adapters that do some of the work and give you flexibility. To get started easily, we would recombine to start with a pre-configured bundle.

Installing a bundle

Currently there is only one bundle to work with the filesystem, at least this bundle could be extended by other adapters and plugins and have the same functionality as the core package.

npm add @loom-io/base-fs
pnpm add @loom-io/base-fs
bun add @loom-io/base-fs

Installing without a bundle

If you're trying to avoid unused dependencies, it's a good idea to install the modules yourself, but also if the base bundles don't offer you enough functionality. At least you need a source adapter to get started and the core package as a peer dependency. For S3, this could look like:

npm add @loom-io/minio-s3-adapter @loom-io/core
npm add @loom-io/minio-s3-adapter @loom-io/core
npm add @loom-io/minio-s3-adapter @loom-io/core

If you want to work with another source, check out the adapter section.

To read different files as JSON, you'll also need a converter. For example, to get similar functionality as in the filesystem bundle, you need to install the filesystem adapter and some converters to convert different file types to JSON.

npm add @loom-io/core @loom-io/node-filesystem-adapter @loom-io/yaml-converter @loom-io/json-converter
pnpm add @loom-io/core @loom-io/node-filesystem-adapter @loom-io/yaml-converter @loom-io/json-converter
bun add @loom-io/core @loom-io/node-filesystem-adapter @loom-io/yaml-converter @loom-io/json-converter

You can find the installation package in the adapter and converter descriptions.

Basic Setup (S3)

The default export of loom-io is a global object that you can import on the server side without having to register a converter over and over again. We will import it as Loom, but you can give it any name you like.

If you are not using a base bundle, you will need to register converters to read files as json.

For the setup you need the following packages

npm add @loom-io/core @loom-io/s3-minio-adapter @loom-io/yaml-converter @loom-io/json-converter
pnpm add @loom-io/core @loom-io/ns3-minio-adapter @loom-io/yaml-converter @loom-io/json-converter
bun add @loom-io/core @loom-io/s3-minio-adapter @loom-io/yaml-converter @loom-io/json-converter

Now you can set up an S3 connection. In this example we will use an open minio instance from minio

import Loom from "@loom-io/core";
import S3MinioAdapter from "@loom-io/minio-s3-adapter";
import jsonConverter from "@loom-io/json-converter";
import yamlConverter from "@loom-io/yaml-converter";

const minioConfig = {
	endPoint: "",
	port: 9000,
	useSSL: true,
	accessKey: "Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F",
	secretKey: "zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG",

const bucketName = "loom-io-test-bucket";

const s3Source = new S3MinioAdapter(bucketName, minioConfig));


Now we can dive deeper into loom-io and the storage system to access or create files and directories.